Black Seed Oil And Its Benefits

Black seed oil, also known as Nigella sativa oil (NSO) /kalonji/black cumin seed oil; N.sativa is a flowering plant with innumerable tiny black seeds enclosed within it. Black seed and its oil have an extended legendary use in Mediterranean, Chinese, Indian, and Egyptian cultures. These black seeds have a predominant use in culinary (as a seasoning spice) and non-culinary (health/medicinal) fields. Remarkably, the black seed oil extract, called thymoquinone has infinite putative worthwhile effects on health.

The sacred book of Islam Quran mentions about black seed “In it lies a cure for everything except demise.” This antiquated adage has procured a considerable validation in the contemporary scientific world today. 

Black seed oil being a remedy for every ailment connotes that there is not a single disease that this blissful herb cannot assuage.

15 Proven Advantages to be bewitched by Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil being a remedy for every ailment connotes that there is not a single disease that this blissful herb cannot assuage.

1. A Miraculous Anti-Rheumatic and Anti0steoporotic

Numerous biological studies endorse that black cumin seed oil has potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic attributes. The active ingredient thymoquinone (TQ) serves as a distinct blocker for several pro-inflammatory mechanisms involved in rheumatism, illuminating its use in rheumatological disorders like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, massaging the inflamed joints with this oil alleviates the swelling, pain, and redness swiftly. You must be wondering what makes TQ so effective for the joint and muscular pain? Actually, the TQ down-regulates a protein called MMP-1 (matrix metalloproteinase-1), which is meant to break down the collagen in the joints. Since collagen is the chief structural protein that delivers the bones and joints their resilient strength and elasticity, thereby, smashing down the collagen will undermine your bone health. Likewise, this explains the significance of black seed oil in osteoporosis (an age-related wear and tear musculoskeletal disorder, characterized by a decrease in bone density, prompting to weak and fragile bones with an increased propensity for fracture).

2. A Verified Anticancer Remedy

Scientific studies substantiate that the TQ contained in black seed oil is efficient against inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells, the tumor burden, as well as simultaneously acting as a tumor-preventive agent. The biological reasoning for this property of Nigella oil is vast; nonetheless, I will shortlist a few important ones here. Firstly, TQ being a potent antioxidant prevents against free radical damage and the consequential DNA mutation contributing to cancer formation. Secondly, it TQ amplifies the CD8+ T-cell activity, which is a cytotoxic cell destined to destroy the cancer cells. Thirdly, it enhances the levels of a cytokine, named interferon gamma (IFNγ), which encourages the natural killer cell activity (another cytotoxic cell that induces apoptosis/death of cancer cells). There are miscellaneous scientific analyses signifying black seed oil as a natural chemotherapeutic agent. These cancers include, but are not limited to colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer. Moreover, the black seed oil contains fatty acids like Eleostearic acid (α-ESA), which inhibit the proliferation of human breast cancer cells.

3. A Guardian Angel against a Variety of Infections

The black caraway oil, owing to its abundant TQ content serves as a powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and an antiviral remedy. The infections against which it’s proven to be effective are viral infections like common cold and flu; in fact, there are some promising results in alleviating the life-threatening viral disease i.e. HIV/AIDS. Black seed oil is gaining recognition in the treatment of another deadly hospital-acquired bacterial infection, called MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). According to a study published in the Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, all strains of MRSA were sensitive to the N. sativa seed extract. This is not just one bacterial infection, the black seed oil is efficient at treating as well as avoiding various other harmful bacterial infections like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Streptococcus mutans (a causative microbe for tooth decay and dental caries). Hence, application of the oil to the teeth and gums as a preventive method is better than cure.”

The immune-boosting qualities of black seed oil will not only mitigate these infections, besides, it will keep these superbugs at bay. Additionally, it takes the edge off fever.

4. A Digestive Ailment Healer and a Hepatoprotective

Hippocrates (the father of Medicine) utilized black seed oil to cure digestive disorders. N. sativa seed oil reduces abdominal cramps/colic, bloating, gases/flatulence, dyspepsia/heartburn, anorexia (loss of appetite); moreover, it causes detoxification and colon cleansing; on one hand, it accelerates the intestinal motility, eliminating constipation, whereas contrary to its mild laxative effect, it possesses anti-diarrheal characteristics as well. Similarly, this herbal folklore used in the treatment of intestinal worms serves as a natural antihelminthic. You can use 1 tablespoon of the oil with honey every night to expel out the worms. 

Into the bargain are the hepatoprotective effects of the black seed oil. It defends the liver against toxic agents like carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). This is due to the provocative actions of black seed oil on glutathione transferase. Glutathione transferase is an enzyme that catalyzes the conjugation of the reduced form of glutathione (GSH). GSH is a potent detoxifier and a free radical scavenger. 

5. A Novel Cardio-Protective 

Black seed oil moderately diminishes the blood pressure via its parasympathomimetic effects (a part of the autonomic i.e. involuntary nervous system, which when stimulated functions to reduce various bodily functions, including blood pressure and heart rate). Hence, predicting a corresponding decline in cholesterol levels is comprehensible. Having said that, these effects are yet mild to moderate, so other dietary precautions and lifestyle modifications remain the mainstay of treatment for hypertension. 

6. An Anti-Asthmatic

Contraction of smooth muscles of the air passages predisposes to breathlessness, wheezing, and asthma. The thymoquinone in black seed oil metabolizes to nigellone. Both TQ and nigellone (nigellone per se) relax the smooth muscles of the air passages (bronchodilatory effects), specifically the trachea. Experimental studies performed using N. sativa extract showed a notable improvement in PFTs (pulmonary function tests), concomitant with a diminution in the asthma symptoms and frequency. 

7. A Migraine Eliminator

After dusk, there is a dawn and after a migraine, there is a relief! Thanks to the black seed oil, this lessens the severity of intense headaches in a matter of hours! This should be the best news for the migraineurs who strive to cope with their pulsatile, throbbing headaches on a frequent basis. All you have to do is to take a few drops of the black seed oil, apply it over the affected areas of the head (for instance, temple, forehead, top of the head, neck etc.) and massage it gently. Another trick is to take a teaspoon of the black seed oil daily in the morning, preferably with honey. You might be surprised at the instant relief brought about by this heavenly oil.

8. A Panacea for Diabetes

Studies testify that the black seed oil decreases the blood glucose levels via increasing the insulin levels (a hormone secreted by the pancreas, which aims to reduce the blood glucose levels normally). However, since, the diabetics are usually insulin resistant or insulin-deficient; their blood glucose levels remain on the higher side. Backed up by surveys on animals, the glucose lowering effects of the black seed oil demonstrate its efficacy as a natural antidiabetic cure.

9. No More Blues

The antidepressant activities displayed by this splendid oil are worth mentioning. Consumption of black seed oil increases the levels of tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid required to synthesize serotonin (a natural mood elevator). Since the formation of essential amino acids does not occur within the body, we ought to obtain them via food or supplements and NSO is yet again another source of tryptophan.

10. Sleep Regulator

Black seed oil serves as a sleep regulator, due to the same fact listed above. The upsurge in tryptophan instigated by this oil also serves as a precursor for the synthesis of melatonin. Melatonin regulates your circadian rhythm, signaling your body when to sleep and/or wake up. Therefore, ingesting, or rubbing your scalp with the black seed oil, on a usual basis will adjust the sleep-wake cycle and as you all know, “a better slumber is a passage to a better life!”

11. An Antiepileptic

The awe-inspiring (oil) may increase the seizure/fit threshold due to its effective ingredients (TQ and p-cymene), and thus utilized as an adjuvant remedy for convulsions along with the anticonvulsant medications. The accentuation of the GABA activity in the brain elucidates its anticonvulsant effects. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that offsets the neuronal excitability (neuronal excitability and hyperactivity instigates the onset of fits). 

12. Skin diseases

The NSO is traditionally eminent for its use in healing a variety of skin disorders, like eczema, dermatitis, acne, dry skin, redness and rosacea, and psoriasis. This is because of its moisturizing, soothing, emollient, and anti-inflammatory qualities.

13. A Kidney-Protector

Researches validate that the black seed oil defends the kidneys against free radical damage, renal ischemia (reduced blood flow to the kidneys) and toxins such as drugs and chemotherapeutic agents used in cancer patients.

14. A Toothache and an Earache Remedy

Looking for a toothache or earache remedy, here it is! Owing to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, black seed oil instantly alleviates toothaches and earache issues.

15. Treats infertility and Menstrual Problems

The N. sativa oil enhances the sperm count and semen quality in men and is therefore, gaining popularity to cure infertility. It also exhibits a strong potential to aid with menstrual irregularities, cramps, vaginal discharge/spotting. Not to mention, the black seed oil is also a galactagogue (a substance that stimulates milk production from the breasts).

Take Home Message

Try supplementing this perpetually astonishing oil in your regular schedule, whether this means ingesting it, massaging it, or applying it topically. You will be amazed at how the black seed oil serves as an elixir of longevity! 

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