Amazing Landmarks Around The World That Are A Must-Visit

Great Wall of China

Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered the construction of the Great Wall in 221 BC. It is a series of fortifications stretching more than 13,000 miles in length along with northern China. Despite the Great Wall never successfully stopping invaders to come into the country, it was a representation of China’s might and historical dynasties.

It is said approximately 400,000 workers died building the Great Wall of China, many of whom are buried within the walls.

William Geil, an American traveler trekked the entire Great Wall of China in a five month period

In 1908, an American traveler was the first person to walk the entire Great Wall of China from Shanhaiguan to Jiayuguan in five months. Along the journey, he took many photos and wrote a personal diary with over 200 entries.

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